How do I start affiliate marketing with zero skills?

 How do I start affiliate marketing with zero skills?

You can start affiliate marketing without skills. But before you jump on doing affiliate marketing, you must know the does and don't of affiliate marketing. What are the tips and tricks.

Keep in mind that affiliate marketing is hard at first. There is a possibility that you will not earn money overnight, some months. It takes time, but if you already have some ideas that you want to apply on affiliate marketing, DO IT (but make sure it is not a bad thing)

Watch on youtube on how to properly do affiliate marketing (there are tons but if you want to learn you must get through it, even if some are not so much helpful).

But if you have budget, you can enroll in paid courses. (But beware on enrolling in paid courses because some are not worth of your money or your time).

Do your own research in affiliate marketing, make sure you have plans before jumping into affiliate marketing.

Because this will help you to get traffic and people will start buying the product that you’re promoting.

Anyone can start with no skills. If you have the willingness and determination to learn, you can achieve it no time.

What CRM is best for your business in 2021

James Nweke

Answered October 22, 2018

What type of mindset should I have in affiliate marketing?

What mindset to you have to have in order to be an affiliate marketer?

It’s official.

March 21:2017: The day I started affiliate marketing.

I knew because that’s when I signed up to a membership site that provided me the basics of affiliate marketing.

The founders proudly brag their track record for producing 1,000’s of successful affiliate marketers under their direction.

But to me, it didn’t matter.

I just needed a way to get started

So I focused on this online training that I paid for.

One that I paid with pocket cash.

Cash that’s dwindling at a steady rate.

Anyway, there are 5 key lessons that shaped my mindset as an affiliate marketer.

And I learned them all along the way:

What's Affiliate Marketing Under Trade

Simply mean using the internet to buy or sell stocks. There are basically no humans interaction. It is generally more cost affective than other ways to trade. For example the broker I use has a three tiered fee structure. If I trade online it is 9.89 for what ever number of share I want  to buy. I can call an automated phone line to do my trade and the fee is a big higher. I can also call a broke. A real life person and he will place the trade for me and the fee is higher again. In case my broke using a person is $47.00 coppered to $90.84 for online trade.

Different breakage house have different fee. Most range from $11 to $19 pay trade. There are starting to be some such as one  called  Ruben hood that let you trade free and one of major bank allow free trade if you maintain a certain balance

How it work basically you log into you account in the internet and look for the top menu  for trade clicking on the menu will bring up a window where you enter the stock symbol, by the number of shares you want to buy and the price you want to pay or instead of the price you can click on the "market" which will buy the stock at whatever the current price is. You can also select to a peace limit other to buy or sell. A limit other is price you are willing to pay. Let say for example the you want to buy a stock in foid and it is trading at $14.50 a share. You would like to buy it should drop  to this $14.25. You put a limit other in to buy 100 share for $14.25  a share make it good until canceled ( you can select for that day only). If the share ford ever drop to $14.25. They will buy the stock for you and if it never drop the other will sit there forever until you cancel it selling works the some. 

Many peoples are seeking for investing money in secure online trading option, which are genuine and beneficial enough to get higher profits or loss investment. If you are also one of those, you should go online and explore the best online trading option suggested by the trained players in the industry. Also you may consult with authorized online trade consultant  and brokers who hold good knowledge about the trading industry and it's daily up and over. Moreover, they do imagine great possibility of investment in stocks, market and other stock securities trading option online in which you can start earning from the very first step of investment. Hence, you need to play save and consult with genuine trade broker, who can guild you on the right way to trade online and make you familiar with some famous online trading pattern as will

If you are interested in making investment  in stocks market and other online trade website you should first have to be away of some standard trade patterns too sure as 

1, Head And Shoulder Patterns

 This pattern of the stock chert tells you about a characteristics that gives you an indicator's of reversal formation of the market from a bullish or bearish trend. This pattern of stock will be show on the chart  in the form of right shoulder, lift shoulder and a line drown as the neckline. The graph show to top to bottom level fluctuations that depicts the change in the trend and sentiment of investors in the stock market. However this pattern is knowing as the head and shoulder pattern that you should understand first before investing in the stock

2, Cup And Handle Pattern, 

Will give you technical analysis or indicator of current situation of the stock market. The stock line will get a cup and handle shape at right and lift end. If there are slight downward drift as that right hand side, then it will depicts the lower trending rate that may remains short enough as seven week or long

3, Bull Flag Pattern

A bull flag pattern depicts a strong trend of stock in the chart pattern. It is also called a flag pattern because it looks like a flag on a polo that is considered as a bullish flag. These  bull flag are subset of you trading strategy that can be utilized smartly at any time frame

4, Triple Top And Triple Bottom

These are reversal chart pattern used for the technical analysis of Forieqn currencies, stock, commodities, well, the formation of the triple top and triple bottom show the increment and decrement of stock with the passage of time

5, Pennant Pattern

It is a commonly used pattern in a price chart of financially traded assets. This trade pattern gives a clear indication of the direction of a price trade. A pennant is a continuation pattern that completely depends open a technical financial analysis of the stock trade however, one need  to do  regular follow up of the market

Thus, above are some widely known trading pattern in the online stock industry that you should have to know before investing money in the stock market. However it will give you a fear idea about regular pattern of stock trading and tracking financial ups and downs on stock chart to calculate daily market trends

 How Does Copy Trade Works 

It enable client replicate another trade activities trading activities automatically. The social trade platform enable any one to became a master trade, and a copy trade, even, if you simply want to trade on your own will still make sure you have the best trade experience 

Why Copy Trade

Simplicity;  using social future for trade assets online is intuitive, and easily accessible for both new and experience users 

Diversity; diversity is key to lower risk when trading. You can spread out you invested capital  across various market by copying different traders 

 Transparency; Exposing each other traders, tracking  record, and helping all speed trade

to mark smarter decision when choosing who to copy

How Referrals System Works Under Affiliate Referrer System

Referrer systems have a 4 level payout scheme, which means you received reward not only for direct referrers you bring, but for their referrers as well. 

Let say you invited three friend from each of them you are going to receive 20% of their trade fee. 

These are you direct referrer. Then each of them invites their friend and once they start trading, you going to receive 15% from those commission as well. these are you second level referrers. Thirds levels referrals  are going to bring you 10%. The 4th and levels  is 5% reward

A fully active network referrals can grow much larger then just you direct referral income significantly multiple the income you receive from the trade fee they pay.

Make sure to use you referral link to invites peoples as well you receive maximum reward


How To Grow You Referral Network Faster

Share you Referral link with you friend on Facebook, and Twitter. Create your YouTube review of the platform 

Post a blog, describes the benefit of trading

Participate in trading discussion in relevant forum and telegram, Facebook group, and promote you referral link

Be sure to read referral program rule and conditions before referring any user

                         Referral Matrix

For the first 4 months in my business, I focused on myself.

I’ve set up my blog and written some content in it (along w/ affiliate links)

The problem is, no one was reading.

So I knew there’s something wrong.

As I look back, it became pretty obvious:

“No one wanted to read the topic I created.”

I personally handpicked the ideas I want to blog, since I’m confident about blogging them.

“I wanted it, but people didn’t.”

And that’s what you don’t wanna’ fall for as a marketer.

More importantly, as an entrepreneur.

Pay attention to people’s wants, needs, and desires.

You are NOT your target audience.

So focus on giving what’s best for them.

NOT for you.

2.  Be Consistent Every Day

Month 5 to Month 8, I gave up on my ego.

I keyword-researched the topics very carefully so I’ll know what to post.

Stats and numbers all looked good to me, and I knew how to monetize it

So I resumed publishing articles on my blog.

I also increased my production.

From one post a week to once every 2 days.

Then I ramped it up to one article every single day.

There were times when I could churn out 2 to 3 articles in a day, thanks to my blog post templates.

Then after 2 months of reaching my full capacity, I burned out.

I rested for a full month with ba ely any new content.

Momentum died out.

And I went back in my slump.

Looking back, I realized I scaled up too quickly.

Part of the reason was I wanted to see results quick.

My false mindset back then was:

“The faster I create, the sooner I’ll see results.”

And it can’t be further from the truth.

It violated the process that every affiliate marketer undergoes.

Likewise, if you’re lazy with working on your business, then you’ll fail as well.

Consistency is the key to becoming successful online.

Affiliate success doesn’t happen overnight.

It happens when you stick long enough to the process of providing value to your audience and helping them with their problems.

3. Focus on the Basics

Month 9 to Month 12, I was getting impatient.

I’m itching to see a breakthrough with my affiliate marketing business.

My greed glands are tingling. I want to make sales.

No one seems to appreciate the efforts I’m putting into my blog.

Eventually, I reached the tipping point.

And I started buying shiny objects.

You know, the ones that cost $7 to $17 promising a system that can earn you $100+ per day.

This was the time that I got distracted.

One course taught me Facebook marketing. Another introduced me to YouTube. While another enticed me to pay for traffic so I could speed up results.

“In the end, I just got more confused!”

So I went back to my original blog and continued publishing blog posts.

Just as I approach my 1-year mark (march 21) that I made my first ever sale!

And it wasn’t because of the $7 courses I bought.

It came from the blog I was building.

Following the basic principles from the online training I attended.

In fact, I’m still earning today (October 2018) thanks to those basics.

If you focus on the basics, you’ll find that you can make tremendous progress without overwhelming yourself with information.

The Internet is a mind-boggling places

Don’t let it eat you alive.

4. Follow a Proven Strategy

Now, I’ve talked about mastering the fundamentals.

As an affiliate marketer, I only focused on a simple 5-step process:

1,  Choose a Niche - What niche market do you want to be good at? Narrow it down then commit to becoming an expert at it.

2,  Build a Website - Name your business and create a website out of it. Make it beautiful, but don’t obsess over its quality.

3,  Create Content - Content matters more than the look of your website. Provide value to readers by giving advice on the topic they want.

4,  Drive Traffic - Send real people to your website by promoting your awesome content. You can use Google, Facebook, YouTube, or communities where your audience hangs out.

5,  Earn Revenue - Research affiliate programs of products or services that your audience needs. Make sure it pays out well and that it’s a high-quality offer. Or else, you risk hurting your reputation.

And that’s it!

If you have a different (even more handsome) strategy, then follow it religiously.

What matters is you follow a “proven” blueprint.

One that successful affiliate marketers have already followed.

V. Quitting is NOT an Option

I let my ego run me.

I became very inconsistent.

I over-complicated stuff.

I tried the wrong strategies.

Look, I’ve made plenty of minor and major mistakes as an affiliate.

And I felt ashamed for doing them.

But, there’s ONE thing I will never ever do:

Giving Up.

I persisted when my head hurts while learning a new skill.

I persisted when I struggle to blog something.

I persisted when my traffic wasn’t moving up

I persisted when no one’s buying through my link.

And yeah, I’ll continue to persist in the years to come.

Course that mindset alone will guarantee success.

But how do you avoid quitting?

“Burn the ships.”

Eliminate all your backup plans if affiliate marketing doesn’t work for you.

Once you’re an affiliate, you’ve got no choice but to WIN.

Carry that mindset wherever you go.

And there’s no way you can lose.

To your affiliate success,

Try to reach you destination


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